
Showing posts from November, 2010

Love Is Divine

                                          ‘Love’ the four letter word itself has the capacity to send chills into the spines f most of the people. It may bring bliss to someone who feels has found his true love where it may come as a sorrow to someone who thinks he has lost someone he loved dearly. Many emotions start filling up inside our brains on hearing the word. A child may remember his mother, a husband may think of his wife, a sister about her brother, and children may be reminded of their parents whereas a young boy might think of some girl and so on.                                           But the real question is what is the true meaning of love? What does the word ‘love’ signify in itself? How do you define love? Many definitions have been made to explain the word. One might say it’s a blissful feeling, for someone it may mean care and affection, a scientist may attribute it to certain chemical changes that are occurring inside your brain and so on. Someone who has never b