Its Impossible For God To Be Human
On reading this header, many people might discard this as insane or consider me an atheist or someone who is opposed to the idea of God or His powers. But I would like to request everyone to go through the whole blog before coming to any conclusions.
The most common definition of God according to most of us is “God is one who gives gifts, who is effulgent, who illuminates and who resides in heaven or celestial body.” This makes it clear that God is some divine being who creates and maintains the entire Universe. This definition of God is more or less accepted by almost all faiths around the world. It clearly confirms our belief that He bestows us with powers, grants our wishes etc. if we are honest to him. This further engraves in our mind that there is nothing impossible for God in this world. He can do anything He wants with ease. This has been the human belief since the dawn of civilization and has remained intact till day; in fact it has grown stronger for most.
Hence many people conclude that “Nothing is impossible in this world for God”. But what we human beings tend to forget that we ourselves who are His creations have created limitations for Him. We have divided God, given him different names, different avatars based on our beliefs and we are doing many things in His name without worrying whether it’s right or wrong. We have set our own standards for God and he is made to stand up to them instead of us following the path laid down by him. We have created different religions in His name and are proud of our achievements and consider our path as superior one while regard others as inferior. We even don’t hesitate to criticize other Gods or to say different avatars of same God. We forget the essence of all religions is one and the same. The only difference is the way of preaching a particular religion which is due to the evolution of different beliefs in different parts of the world. The local lifestyle and local climatic features have played an important role in the difference between various beliefs and traditions.
We even tend to forget that all the religions have taught the same idea if we try to look at the core of teachings. No God claims that His path is only superior and others are inferior. It is us humans who have proclaimed such things and changed meanings of the divine preaching according to our own convenience. May it be any religion like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity etc. the essence of teachings of all is same; only difference is our outlook towards them. All at some point preach that God resides in us and getting in touch with our own consciousness is the only way to experience His presence. Humans have been successful in dividing God which is Universal.
We humans have even made many mistakes in his name and when we get caught we get away by saying that “to err is human”
That’s what according to me is impossible for God. He cannot be human beings coz for that he will have to give up his selflessness and become selfish. It’s impossible for Him to make mistakes. Even if he has arrived on earth in the form of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Prophet or Jesus, he has been unique in his own way. He has never committed any mistake or done anything wrong in that. In his name we humans have created lot of mess for which we are ourselves suffering. Hence it’s up to us now to decide whether really Nothing is Impossible for God?
Waiting for your valuable suggestions.
I agree with you on the fact that almost every religion tries to preach the same thing but humans have created difference in religion.
While reading this, I could help thinking about this book I read by Osho. Book name is "The Book of Understanding: Creating Your Own Path to Freedom". You should try to get a hold of this book and read it if you can.
Keep writing.
Now, God, on knowing that creature "Human" is not behaving true to God's expectations what God did is took birth on earth, put himself in the shoes of "Human" and tried his best to make Human realize its role/character on earth. That's what we call different avataras of God and "Bhagwad-Gita, Kuran, Bible etc" are the holly-books which are supposedly what God left behind him for Human beings. But sad to say that all these Gods efforts resulted into exactly opposite what God actually wanted and hence are different religions !!
All in all wonderful blog, I enjoyed reading it...
The very thought about different religions preaching the same core idea to treat everybody as the same human being he/she is so true.......
All in all I liked reading this...
If God has created the world, his primary worry was certainly not to make its understanding easy for us...
and since understanding is difficult ,it is misinterpreted most times and manipulated other times...
“to err is human” and the only error by god is "human"....
I agree with it...
keep writing..