Paryushan : A Practical View

So the festival season has begun in India. Starting from Ramzan, then Paryushan and Ganesh Chaturathi etc. there is so much fun in the air. Everyone is enjoying himself, people meeting one another; the atmosphere is really superb and divine as people are praying for the well being of each other.
                                  But sometimes I feel that no doubt all these occasions have their own religious significance, but they must be having some practical purpose too as our forefathers who started these customs were people of extra ordinary intelligence. And I am definitely sure that these festivals send us a message of some sort esp. regarding our health. Hence today through this blog, I wish to highlight the practical importance of Paryushan with regard to our health. Being an Ayurvedic Physician, I would like to co relate its significance with Ayurvedic aim of prevention of diseases.
                                    For those who don’t know what paryushan is, first of all let me throw some light on the religious aspect. Paryushan is a festival of Jains which lasts for 8-10days. Here people pray, attend temples and sthanaks (places where Jain saints stay), many people observe fasts when they drink only boiled water and that too is avoided after sunset. People give up on vegetables for the period of 8-10 days, mostly pulses and other things are generally consumed. It ends on samvatsari day.
                                      Now let’s see what the practical purpose of paryushan must be from an Ayurvedic point of view. Normally paryushan starts before Sharad rutu in   Indian calendar. Sharad rutu is one of the six seasons in India according to Vedic culture. Sharad rutu according to ayurveda, is the season where we get to see maximum infections and epidemics. Mostly these occurrences are due to aggravation of Pitta dosha (one of the three humors in our body). Pitta roughly can be described as the heat component of the body. During rains (varsha rutu), this heat is stored inside our bodies and cannot come out due to cold climate. But in sharad rutu, there is sudden rise in temperature due to sharp rays of the sun. Due to the effect of this, heat (pitta) that had been previously suppressed in the body is released all of a sudden due to conducive environment. And this aggravated pitta is the cause of many diseases during this period. Its largely called October heat in India, and even modern science believes that due to this October heat, there is a sudden rise in diseases.
                                                From Ayurvedic point of view, indigestion (weak metabolism) is the root cause of almost all the diseases. Green leafy vegetables also aggravate pitta up to a certain extent. So if we try to think logically, its advised in Paryushan to give up vegetables, drink boiled water, no food after sunset etc. which indirectly normalizes our metabolism as most of the toxins that are accumulated in rains in our body get metabolized or are flushed out of our bodies. As when digestion is poor, its generally advised to have light foods. This is the tradition and it indirectly helps us not to accumulate further pitta in our bodies and help us to prevent diseases in sharad rutu. And this kind of diet pattern has to be followed till the onset of sharad rutu in the month of Ashvina as per the Indian calendar and even during that period. On the first day after paryushan, milk products are traditionally made in household which again signifies the same thing, as milk is considered to be one of most effective remedy to treat aggravated pitta.
                                                    Such is the scientific importance of Paryushan to protect our health as Indian culture believes that only healthy body can have union with the divine. But what we people do during this period totally rubbish the purpose of Paryushan. Instead of having light food, we have all kinds of pulses and fermented food like dhoklas on a regular basis. All pulses except moong, according to ayurveda either cause aggravation of pitta or are heavy to digest leading to more stress on our digestive system. Moreover, eating of fermented food also aggravates pitta and its also heavy to digest. So instead of improving our metabolism, all we are doing is damaging it more, so the real purpose of paryushan is not fulfilled at all. Actually the type of food that should be mostly consumed during this period is milk, fruits etc. and other substances which our body can easily digest, so that we can stay healthy in the worse of season. There is a verse in Sanskrit which is “Roganam saharadi mata” (sharad rutu is the mother of diseases). Now its up to us to decide what we should do so that the main motive behind this festival is properly fulfilled rather than just concentrating on the religious aspects only. If we also try to fulfill the real motive, then I am sure our ancestors who started this noble tradition will really be proud of us.
Questions and Suggestions are most welcome.


Anonymous said…
Its a very informative piece of literature,the correlation of age old Paryushan and its good effects on Health is done impeccably......
I just wanna ask one question to the writer of this blog that if nothing is to be consumed after sunset and only pulses in day then,
What impact the Roza's kept at the same time in the holy month of Ramzan have on body???........
Its a very good question that you have asked. Even the same question had cropped up in my mind. But for that one should have a deep knowledge of Islamic practices mentioned in Islam and not the ones that we see or that are practiced today.Even the food that has to be traditionally consumed at night also holds importance.Islam originated in desert area which is hot during daytime and cold at night time. Hence must be a practice to celebrate at night in Islam so that everyone can be a part of that celebration.Sadly I dont have the knowledge of that thing, hence I feel not to comment on that. But I feel we should keep in mind the climatic conditions and rituals in Arab world as Islam has originated there and not in India. So all the practices that Islam mentions must be as per the conditions and lifestyles there. But even after Ramzan, its a tradition to have ksheer kurma on the day of Eid which also fulfills our Ayurvedic principle that milk is a good antacid and the custom must be to supress excess of acid generated in the body due to day fasting throughout the month.
Hope you find this explaination somewhat useful.
Unknown said…
Nicely written blog.

I would encourage you to write significance of each of such festivals in India from Ayurvedic point of view. This explanation motivates me more to follow Paryushan.

I will definitely try to follow your recommended way next year.
Thanks a lot viraj for your encouragement. Will definitely try to write he significance of each festival from my Ayurvedic point of view.
Chatty B said…
Hi, The scientific reason for Paryushan is very interesting. I understand that it is designed for Indian climate (to beat the diseases during october heat) but why is it followed then in USA(I live in US) or other country? Shouldn't it be followed at a different time in different country?

Please get back I would really appreciate it.
Chatty B said…
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Chatty B said…
Hi, The scientific reason for Paryushan is very interesting. I understand that it is designed for the Indian climate (to beat the diseases during october heat) but why is it followed at the same time in USA(where I reside) or other countries? Shouldn't it be followed at a different times in different countries?

Please get back I would really appreciate it.
Hi Chatty B, You are absolutely right. It should be celebrated at different time in USA. But sadly the practical purposes of all the festivals has been forgotten and only the religious significance of it is looked upon. Paryushan is meant to teach us to be patient and content in life. Its not only restricted to avoiding certain stuff. If you feel like having smth during paryushan and you are just supressing your urge, that is wrong. It would make sense to have that thing. But sadly as I said these things are ignored by people.
And even so called saints of jainism, though few might understand this fact they are wary of explaining this to their followers in fear of losing their followers and more importantly fincancial donations.
Vipul said…
Unknown said…
Superb Dr. It's a pleasure to have people like you in the profession.. Making people Aware about the facts means a lot.. And contributes to bring about the needed change in the society... Keep up the good work bro.. 😊
Unknown said…
Superb Dr. It's a pleasure to have people like you in the profession.. Making people Aware about the facts means a lot.. And contributes to bring about the needed change in the society... Keep up the good work bro.. 😊
Dr Suraj Shukla PT said…
Oh.. It's me.. ��

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