Love for God

                                        Now days, many people are calling themselves religious; some even go a step further to call themselves as spiritual. As a result of this, many sects and cults are springing up daily with a promise to guide them on the road to spirituality. Many are even indirectly promoting financial and material gains along with this.
                                       Even the people who have started these sects and cults are more into material gains than spiritual. This has led to a cold war between various cults, each claiming that his or her path is better than the rest and this leads to the criticism of others. They are competitors for each other to put it in the language of marketing.
                                         This forces me to think about the true meaning of spirituality. Does it involve total absistence from material things or mental peace due to financial stability or something altogether different? Many people must be walking down that road because that has been the trend of the era in which we are living in.
                                          The basis of true spirituality according to me is not in questioning other people’s ways or beliefs; forget about criticizing those. Our minds should be strong enough to let that go. It involves getting into communion with God through one’s soul or which in modern times; we can even call inner self. For that one should be able to control his mind as only the clean mind can listen to the soul. This is because if a person cannot control his physical desires, he will not in any way be able to control his mind and getting into touch with soul would be a distant dream for such individual. This might be the reason that ancient sages in India must have prescribed absistence, simplicity and chastity as means of spiritual conquest. But in modern era, this might not be mandatory. It should be enough if one is able to control his material greed and accept life as it comes as the will of the God. It surely does not rule out honest efforts for better life, but its outcome should be left to the divine.
                                           Other essential and most important aspect for this is Love. It not only applies to those whom we know, but for all the creation of God whether living or nonliving. That is because God understands no other language except that of Love. One can find God only when his heart is overflowing and radiant with love. Love when reflected in one’s eyes can seek soul and eventually find God.
                                            The basic thing needed to overflow the heart with Love is to stop criticizing everything around and start looking for something good in everything. One should be able to forgive and shower love on someone who has hurt you in one way or other once he realize his mistake.
This sounds like the most difficult or insane thing to do but it surely take you closer to God. For this you don’t need to join any sect or cult and if you really wish to find God, you can start your journey right now at this very moment. Life would definitely be very different then.


121 said…
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Dr Pankaj Dayma said…
Hey Bhavin nice work!!!!!

But in my opinion rather than loving each and everything around or forgiving the one who has hurt you etc. etc. The Love for God lies in the basic DESIRE of one to Love him. This is explained very well in the following piece of literature,

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going,
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.

Nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.

But I believe that the desire to love you does in fact makes me beloved for you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road,
though I may know nothing about it.

I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

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