RUN Your Life, Don't RUIN It

Many lifestyle experts suggest that one should avoid running in life in order to lead a happy and peaceful life. But here I wish to contradict few things about that in my own way. According to me, life is a RUN in itself. It holds true for everyone here on the planet. Even the blood is constantly running in our veins and arteries to keep us alive. Chemicals known as neurotransmitters are constantly running through our nerves and thus allow us to function properly. Even when we are sleeping, when our body is at rest, our mind is running. Still don’t believe me?
             Just imagine the single sperm responsible for your conception was able to do so as he was running ahead of millions of other sperms. So the run of life begins right at this stage. When you were ready to come into the world, your run started in the mother’s womb. For delivery, u had to run along with your mother to the hospital. In the hospital, the staff runs everywhere to fetch instruments, stretchers, drugs etc. needed to conduct delivery.
             Even after birth, the first scene witnessed is of people running. Family members run with joy distributing sweets to celebrate your birth. As a toddler, when one learns to crawl, he tries to run away from strangers even in the house towards known faces. On being of school going age, one tries to escape from his family members as he wants to avoid going to school. On growing further, first thing on getting up in the morning is running in the house to get ready and be on time to catch the school bus as he does not want to be late. Even on the day of results, the child either runs towards his folks or away from them depending upon the situation and numbers in the report card.
               After finishing school, one moves away from home to get into college of his choice and finish his higher education and prepare for further runs of his life. But even for admissions one has to scuttle from one place to another.
               There in the hostel, lot more running takes place. First of all one has to scamper in the morning to claim his place in the loo. Secondly there is a race for daily bath, though few are clean and sensible enough to avoid the second run and skip daily bath thereby indirectly contributing to water conservation. Then there is rush to college to be on time for lectures. Running away from lectures for some movie, chasing girls etc. are few things where participation by default takes place.
                 After graduation, there is a run for money, running for interviews to get a good job etc. After getting a job, one has to run to catch his bus or train in order to be on time for office so that running away from boss for being late can be avoided. Running behind girls also becomes mandatory for guys although most of the girls run away from them and vice versa. But sometimes when the lady luck is not in your favor, girl plans her revenge and runs towards the guy and this eventually results in marriage. Perhaps marriage is the only time when there is no chance for running for either.
                 For first few years on getting married, there is a run to fulfill wife’s wishes, and then he tries to run away from her but in vain. More running is in store to fulfill family’s needs, children’s education etc. thus deteriorating the body.
                 Even on growing old, there is constant running even for an arthritis patient from one physician to other in order to survive. Then gradually one starts running to find inner peace and God through spirituality. Finally the whole marathon ends when finally the soul decides to run away from the body for next birth. That is perhaps the only time when body is at rest.
                 So you can see that as stated earlier, our entire life is a RUN. But what counts is “what you are running for?”


Unknown said…
hmmmm RUN.........i am just remembering the lines of d poem Leisure"What is this life if full of care,we have no time 2 stand & stare...."Yes if v r going 2 run behind the purpose of our life it makes sense or else in vain........
Dr.DeshpandeS said…
Hey RUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Good,keep running.One more thing like Living things the nonliving matter also keeps Running-unknowingly.this things got built up,then used,lastly after some time destroy.
Atomic Structure of any Matter in this Universe is also Constantly Running.

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