SANCTIONS.,sanctions....and more sanctions!! Thats what democracy in India is all about? I am not the only one who feels that way. Many people around me are thinking in a similar way.

It seems that our tainted ministers have developed a new hobby other than plundering the national wealth; both material and intellectual. Now a days our ministers who claim to be interested in preserving our culture which is our national heritage, have started forcing sanctions and imposing bans on various activities.

First Dance Bars were banned. One may argue that it was needed as it encouraged trafficking. Now they have banned broadcasting of adult stuff on television as they feel its spoiling our future citizens ie.children. But do they feel that is the only way where children are exposed to adult stuff?? What about CDs available freely everywhere? Thats just one of the things I want to mention here.

The ministers here should have behaved in an adult way. They should have given this a second thought. Telecasting of such stuff should have been banned for a specific time when children mostly switch on the T.V. sets. AT late night especially after 10, broadcasting of such stuff should be allowed as children dont watch television that late.

What do they think adults should do instead? Watch Tom and Jerry? Two friends wont be able to go for a walk together as they would be suspected as gays and beaten up by the police. If people discover some other activities, the govt. will ban them too.This kind of ban will only help the marketing of CDs of adult films and othe explicit stuff. What about internet where adolscents are easily exposed to porn daily? Ban it? The true solution lies in educating the parents about various ways by which they can prevent their kids from being exposed to such content.

If politicos are really interested in teaching some good things to our growing generation, what they need the most is to improve their own behaviour; at least in the parliament house if they find it hard to improve fully. I am referring to the incident which happened few weeks ago when MPs were seen throwing microphones and other such stuff on one another. Any answers???? On my part, if such BANS will still prevail, then our leaders must be called LMDs(Leaders of Mass Destruction).


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