
Solo Trips: Experience At Least Once

  Solo trips are dream. Travelling alone, making your own itinerary and changing it at the very last moment if you wish to, travelling on a strict budget, roaming the way you like to and not needing to consider what others feel, eating wherever and whenever you like to, not following a fixed schedule for anything, staying in homestays, getting acquainted with local populace, sometimes eating local cuisine in their homes prepared in the most traditional way, hitch hiking and reaching your destination and thus   on the way befriending a stranger are all the dreams which only a solo trip can help you realise.   Whether you have been on a solo trip or not, but am sure all of you must have at least thought or imagined yourself going to explore your dream destination. Everyone wants to go for a solo trip once in a life time. In fact, everyone should go on a solo trip once if not more. I guarantee you; you will return a changed person. But not everyone is able to go on a sol...

Road Trips Are Life

 Road trips are always fun. The prime reason for this is because you get a chance of adventures there no planning involved at all. Just you get in your car or on your bike and start exploring any random place that comes to your mind. When exhausted you look for a place to stay and rest there at night. On recharging your body after a good night's sleep you hit the road once again and the same thing repeats. Everyone should go on a road trip at least once in your lifetime. It not only allows you to rejuvenate yourself but also lets you discover new things about yourself. It acts like a journey of self discovery. Often you tread on an unknown path, face obstacle, find a way out without compromising on the destination that you have set in your mind. On the way, you get an opportunity to meet various people who are totally strangers to you. Out of nowhere, such a stranger comes and helps you when in trouble, or might become your friend, maybe share a meal with you and tell you stories a...

Ayurveda and Sharad Rutu

                          Ayurveda is also known as the science of life. The most important aim of Ayurveda is to safeguard the health of the healthy individual. Cure of disease has been the secondary objective. Keeping this principle in mind, the entire Ayurveda has been written down and passed on. Ayurveda has recognized the influence of day night, seasons, climate on the body and accordingly the state of health and disease occurs.                          In order to safeguard one’s health, Ayurveda has laid emphasis on one’s daily routine as well as certain regimen that must be followed in certain season and climatic conditions. If that is done properly, then the chance of a person falling ill is very negligible. Six seasons, also known as ‘ rutu ’ in Sanskrit have been mentioned in Indian culture. O...

The Universal Power

                       The Universe is a wonderful creation. How it came into existence or who/what is responsible for it still remains an unsolved mystery. But instead of attempting to unravel them, we must try to ‘explore the Universe’.                        By the word ‘explore’ what I mean is to try to use the unlimited power and energy which it possess. Man, since ancient times is sure about one thing which is that the Universe holds limitless powers which can benefit the humankind if used properly. The power is never going to deteriorate; in fact it is constantly growing each second along with the expansion of Universe.                         Ancient cultures have tried to explore the source of tha...

Life Is Beautiful

Life is so beautiful indeed! Each and everyday brings something good. Each day is full of new opportunities to make our life special. We tend to forget that the whole universe has been designed especially for us. We just get upset to find that the day has not gone as we have planned in advance. But in that fretting and frowning we tend to forget the most basic thing. The fact that whatever has taken place against our will is actually a part of the entire process of giving us the best thing that we deserve. It usually is something we had not even dreamt of.                    That process may take some time than we have previously thought; but the final outcome is always better. In this fast paced world, where we are used to fuming over things if we don’t get immediate response, it’s the nature’s way of telling us to slow down and walk with its pace instead of running away recklessly. It’s overlook...

Love for God

                                         Now days, many people are calling themselves religious; some even go a step further to call themselves as spiritual. As a result of this, many sects and cults are springing up daily with a promise to guide them on the road to spirituality. Many are even indirectly promoting financial and material gains along with this.                                        Even the people who have started these sects and cults are more into material gains than spiritual. This has led to a cold war between various cults, each claiming that his or her path is better than the rest and this leads to the criticism of others. They are competitors for each other to put it in the...

Love Is Divine

                                          ‘Love’ the four letter word itself has the capacity to send chills into the spines f most of the people. It may bring bliss to someone who feels has found his true love where it may come as a sorrow to someone who thinks he has lost someone he loved dearly. Many emotions start filling up inside our brains on hearing the word. A child may remember his mother, a husband may think of his wife, a sister about her brother, and children may be reminded of their parents whereas a young boy might think of some girl and so on.                                           But the real question is what is the true meaning of love? What does the word ...

Paryushan : A Practical View

So the festival season has begun in India . Starting from Ramzan, then Paryushan and Ganesh Chaturathi etc. there is so much fun in the air. Everyone is enjoying himself, people meeting one another; the atmosphere is really superb and divine as people are praying for the well being of each other.                                   But sometimes I feel that no doubt all these occasions have their own religious significance, but they must be having some practical purpose too as our forefathers who started these customs were people of extra ordinary intelligence. And I am definitely sure that these festivals send us a message of some sort esp. regarding our health. Hence today through this blog, I wish to highlight the practical importance of Paryushan with regard to our health. Being an Ayurvedic Physician, I would like to co r...