Solo Trips: Experience At Least Once


Solo trips are dream. Travelling alone, making your own itinerary and changing it at the very last moment if you wish to, travelling on a strict budget, roaming the way you like to and not needing to consider what others feel, eating wherever and whenever you like to, not following a fixed schedule for anything, staying in homestays, getting acquainted with local populace, sometimes eating local cuisine in their homes prepared in the most traditional way, hitch hiking and reaching your destination and thus  on the way befriending a stranger are all the dreams which only a solo trip can help you realise.

 Whether you have been on a solo trip or not, but am sure all of you must have at least thought or imagined yourself going to explore your dream destination. Everyone wants to go for a solo trip once in a life time. In fact, everyone should go on a solo trip once if not more. I guarantee you; you will return a changed person.

But not everyone is able to go on a solo trip. There are multiple reasons because of which, you might not be able to pursue your dream journey. But the most common cause for holding yourself back is a fear of venturing into the unknown. Many of us experience this fear initially. All other reasons that are holding you back can be managed and taken care of with help of some friend, colleague or a family member. But the anxiety of treading an unknown path has to be overcome by you and no one else.

Trust me, you are not alone who has to go through this; each and every one, myself included has faced this fear before embarking on the first trip. The only difference between you and them is that they dared to come out of their comfort zone and took the plunge. And believe or not, this anxiety or fear is only till the time you start your journey. Later on, you will be surprised to see that magically the anxiety is starting to taper and by the time you reach your destination, it has totally vanished and the excitement of your plan has taken its place.

It might astonish you to read that many regular solo travellers also have this anxiety, perhaps in much lesser extent before each trip as they already have had lots of experiences. First of all, solo trip enables you to step out of your comfort zone, it gives you enough time to think about where you are heading in life. In a way, while travelling alone you are re discovering yourself.

Solo trips are not always smooth sailing. There may be times where you might experience some problem or some glitch, but being all alone, you have to face it on your own and find a way out. It might also tempt you to take help of some stranger nearby, thereby enhancing your communication abilities and allowing you to learn how to befriend an unknown person. It helps you to discover another side of human nature. Not everyone you come across is there to dupe you. Such people are only a handful. Majority of people are very eager to assist you in any way possible. Especially, the locals, when you are in their town, somehow, they feel responsible for you and strive to help you in every way possible. This side of human nature can only be discovered when you are alone.

In short, solo travel makes you see the world with a completely different eyesight and also helps you learn about your hidden abilities and talents which otherwise you might not have been aware of.

To sum this up, everyone should at least go for one solo journey in life. After all the life we are living is a solo trip. Isn’t it?


Unknown said…
Amazing writing

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