NAMASTE!! All my fellow countrymen.. I think you all know me.. Even a school going child must be knowing me. I think your kids know me better than you.. Few days from now, I will be seen everywhere. YES I am your national flag.. THE TRICOLOUR or what you call me in India; your very own TIRANGA and I hope you all are still proud of me. Our independence day is just few days from now. I still remember the time I was first hoisted by Panditji on 15th August in 1947 on the tope of Red Fort . I was proudly dancing with joy in the wind of freedom. Everyone right from young kids to old people were carrying me proudly. I was the possession that you Indians were most proud of. People took oath of protecting my hounour at the risk of their lives.... But now things have changed a lot. My importance has been confined only to 15th August and 26th January by most of my countrymen. Kids do carry me with them on these days. I proudly dance to the tunes of the wind when I am hoisted on tops of the buildings and am put on the vehicles. But after the day of occassion, I am again folded and put in the box and have to wait for the next national festival to breathe once again in the air of freedom. Sometimes I am even torn and my people dont care, hoisting me on rooftops has just been a formality. I feel that the country has got freedom, but I am still captivated by my own fellow countrymen. Moreover, once national festival is over, I find myself in the trash, in the garbage.. Its not done only by children but also by many adults. I request them to teach their children to respect their national symbol and set an example in front of their kids by themselves respecting national flag.
So, this Independence Day, everyone should take an oath to respect your National Flag. Please dont let ME land in trash.. After all along with all of you, I have also gained freedom. Carry me proudly and give me the respect I truly deserve.